In-Kyun Kim

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Who am I

I am a CMC Fellow of June E Huh Center for Mathematical Challenges. My primary research interests are in algebraic geometry and complex geometry, particularly birational geometry. More precisely, my research currently focuses on the study of Fano varieties and its applications.

Contact Information

June E Huh Center for Mathematical Challenges, Korea Institute for Advanced Study 85 Hoegiro Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 02455, Republic of Korea.


Ph. D. in Mathematics


Adviser: Professor Jihun Park

Thesis: Log canonical thresholds of complete intersection log del Pezzo surfaces

B. A. in Mathematics

Inha University, Korea

Award: Summa Cum Laude from College of Natural Sciences


CMC Fellow

June E Huh Center for Mathematical Challenges, Korea Institute for Advanced Study

Research Professor

Department of Mathematics, Yonsei University

Research Professor

Mathematics, Sungkyunkwan University

Postdoctoral Researcher

Research Institute of Mathematics, Seoul National University

Postdoctoral Researcher

SNU Mathematical Sciences Division for Creative Human Resources Development

Postdoctoral Researcher

Research Institute of Mathematics, Seoul National University

Research Interests

Algebraic Geometry, Birational Geometry,

Fano varieties, Burniat surfaces,

Log canonical threshold, α-invariant, β-invariant and δ-invariant,

K-stability, Kaehler-Einstein metric

Mixed Hodge module.


  1. In-Kyun Kim, Jaehyun Kim and Joonyeong Won, 2024, K-unstable singular del pezzo surfaces without anticanonical polar cylinder, International Mathematics Research Notices, Volume 2024, Issue 18, Pages 12599-12619, ISSN 1687-0247,

  2. In-Kyun Kim, Takuzo Okada and Joonyeong Won, 2023, K-stability of birationally superrigid Fano 3-fold weighted hypersurfaces, Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, Volume 11, E93, ISSN 2050-5094,

  3. In-Kyun Kim and Joonyeong Won, 2023, Delta-invariants of complete intersection log del Pezzo surfaces, Proceedings A of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Volume 153, Issue 3, Pages 1021-1036, ISSN 0308-2105,

  4. Dasol Jeong, In-Kyun Kim, Jihun Park, and Joonyeong Won, 2023, New Sasaki-Einstein 5-manifolds, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Volume 107, No. 3, pages 821-842, ISSN 1469-7750,

  5. In-Kyun Kim, Viswanathan Nivedita and Joonyeong Won, 2022, K-stability of log del Pezzo hypersurfaces with index 2, International Journal of Mathematics, Volume 33, No. 14, 2250070, ISSN 0129-167X,

  6. Seung-Jo Jung, In-Kyun Kim, Morihiko Saito and Youngho Yoon, 2022, Briancon-Skoda exponents and the maximal root of reduced Bernstein-Sato polynomials, Selecta Mathematica. New Series, Volume 28, no. 4, Paper No. 78, 15, ISSN 1022-1824,

  7. In-kyun Kim and Yongjoo Shin, 2022, Log canonical thresholds on Burniat surfaces with K^2 = 6 via pluricanonical divisors, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, Volume 26, no. 6, pages 1133--1144, ISSN 1027-5487,

  8. Seung-Jo Jung, In-Kyun Kim, Morihiko Saito and Youngho Yoon, 2022, Higher Du Bois singularities of hypersurfaces, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, Volume 125, no. 3, pages 543--567, ISSN 0024-6115,

  9. Seung-Jo Jung, In-Kyun Kim, Morihiko Saito and YoungHo Yoon, 2022, Hodge ideal and spectrum of isolated hypersurface singularities, Annales de l’Institut Fourier, Volume 72, no. 2, pages 465--510, ISSN 0373-0956,

  10. In-Kyun Kim and Joonyeong Won, 2021, Unstable singular del Pezzo hypersurfaces with lower index, Communications in Algebra, Volume 49, Issue 6, pages 2679-2688, ISSN 0092-7872,

  11. In-Kyun Kim, Takuzo Okada and Joonyeong Won, 2021, Alpha invariants of birationally bi-rigid Fano 3-folds I, European Journal of Mathematics, Volume 7, Issue 1, pages 272--308, ISSN 2199-675X,

  12. In-kyun Kim and Yongjoo Shin, 2020, Log canonical thresholds of Burniat surfaces with K^2 = 6, Mathematical Research Letters, Volume 27, Number 4, Pages 1079--1094, ISSN 1073-2780,

  13. In-Kyun Kim and Joonyeong Won, 2019, Weakly exceptional singularities of log del Pezzo surfaces, International Journal of Mathematics, Volume 30, Number 01, Pages 1950010, ISSN 0129-167X,

  14. In-Kyun Kim, Takuzo Okada and Joonyeong Won, 2018, Alpha invariants of birationally rigid Fano threefolds, International Mathematics Research Notices, Volume 2018, Issue 9, Pages 2745--2800, ISSN 1073-7928,

  15. Young-Hoon Kiem, In-Kyun Kim, Hwayoung Lee and Kyoung-Seog Lee, 2017, All complete intersection varieties are Fano visitors, Advances in Mathematics, Volume 311, Pages 649--661, ISSN 0001-8708,

  16. In-Kyun Kim and Jihun Park, 2015, Log Canonical Thresholds of Complete Intersection Log Del Pezzo Surfaces. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, Volume 58, Number 2, Pages 445--483, ISSN 0013-0915,


  1. In-Kyun Kim and Joonyeong Won, 2025, Cylinders in Weighted Fano Hypersurfaces via Projections and Unprojections.

  2. Seung-Jo Jung, In-Kyun Kim, Morihiko Saito and Youngho Yoon, 2024, Tjurina spectrum and graded symmetry of missing spectral numbers,

  3. In-Kyun Kim and Joonyeong Won, 2024, On K-stability of blow-ups of weighted projective planes.

  4. In-Kyun Kim, Jaehyun Kim and Joonyeong Won, 2024, Rigid affine cones over singular del Pezzo surfaces.

  5. In-Kyun Kim, Yuchen Liu, Chengxi Wang, 2024, Wall-crossing for K-moduli spaces of certain families of weighted projective hypersurfaces,

  6. Seung-Jo Jung, In-Kyun Kim, Morihiko Saito and Youngho Yoon, 2024, Some remarks on the generalized Hertling conjecture for Tjurina spectrum,

  7. In-Kyun Kim, Jinhyung Park and Joonyeong Won, 2023, K-polystability of the first secant varieties of rational normal curves,

  8. Seung-Jo Jung, In-Kyun Kim, Morihiko Saito and Youngho Yoon, 2023, Spectrum of non-degenerate functions with simplicial newton polytopes,

  9. Seung-Jo Jung, In-Kyun Kim and YoungHo Yoon, 2018, Hodge ideal and spectrum of weighted homogeneous isolated singularities,


  1. In-Kyun Kim, Viswanathan Nivedita and Joonyeong Won, 2023, On Singular Del Pezzo Hypersurfaces of Index 3. In: Cheltsov, I., Chen, X., Katzarkov, L., Park, J. editors, Birational Geometry, Kähler-Einstein Metrics and Degenerations. Pages 409-422. Cham, Springer International Publishing,